Cours de cuisine à Marrakech

Sentir et Sourire

Faim D’Epices, your favorite Cooking Class in Marrakesh wish you a wonderful new year.

Bienvenue dans le monde des Epices

Cours de cuisine à Marrakech… Qui n'a pas rêvé de repartir de Marrakech tout en emportant un peu de sa magie ? Cette alchimie enchanteresse faite de senteurs, de saveurs et de traditions fait de Marrakech un lieu si particulier, sans égal au Royaume du Maroc.
Faim d’Epices vous invite à recréer cette ambiance unique et à partager avec votre famille et vos amis les saveurs du Maroc à des milliers de kilomètres de la Ville Rouge.

Nous vous proposons une manière ludique d'apprendre à cuisiner un vrai repas marocain (pain, salades, douceurs, plat principal) dans la plus pure tradition maison.
Au-delà de la démonstration, vous êtes les acteurs de cette formation. Vous composez vos propres plats que vous dégustez ensuite dans une ambiance champêtre à quelques minutes de la Médina.
Découvrir les secrets des épices, vous apprendre des techniques pratiques, vous donner toutes les ressources et astuces pour réussir vos soirées marocaines sont les missions de Faim d’Epices…
Faim d’Epices réalise tout cela en gardant toujours son objectif principal : Se faire plaisir !…. en français et en anglais également..

Our Experiences

Cooking class … and discovery of spices

Follow this link and you will enter in the world of spices. Sometimes strange, sometimes magic but always surprising. Combine tastes and healthy tips for your pleasure. You can discover all of them while visiting our cooking class in Marrakesh.

Cooking class … and friendly atmosphere

If you enter in this gallery, you will discover plenty of happy faces coming from all over the world and who attended our cooking class in Marrakesh.

Special combined offers

Coming soon…..

If you like amazing food completed with an amazing experience… Stay tuned

To discover with us …




MookieHouston (March 23)

From start to finish, we had a blast and learned quite a bit about making several delicious Moroccan dishes! Michel was highly entertaining, all while keeping things moving along and keeping our group completely engaged. We learned about a number of spices, played at sous chefs, made pastry, a scrumptious tagine dish, and several salad dishes. We took this class the night after our arrival in Morocco, so could easily have been exhausted and out of energy. But Michel lit our engines as we walked through the door, and from there we never tired. Such a fantastic experience, even if you don’t cook (which I don’t!).

Lauren C Moalboal, Philippines

Michel is so engaging and fun!! He really made the experience entertaining, but whilst being thorough all the time. The location is absolutely beautiful too. The food was easy to make but absolutely delicious – I’ll definitely be making it again!

Feb 23

Gogva New Bern, North Carolina

An amazing Moroccan cooking class experience with outstanding Chef Michel who started our class taking us to the locals market for a unique visual of the most beautiful fresh fruit, herbs, vegetables, and the people of Morocco.
Then he drove us to his Cooking class location surrounded by an orange orchard, olive trees, grapevines and an inviting place for the class, welcoming us with a delicious mint tea. After that it got inexplicably better and better. Chef Michel was a great teacher, knowledgeable, entertaining and fun.

May 23

Feb 23
